Empow'Her is running an incubation course to develop the economic resilience of feminist CSOs. We build the CSOs capacities to use an entrepreneurial approach to develop an income-generating project that will contribute to sustain their activities.

The course uses innovative methods, mixing collective and individual formats as the point is to adapt to the CSOs diverse contexts and needs.

Calls for application will open again for 2025 and 2026. If you are interested in applying to the next calls, please fill in the contact form: French version, English Version & Spanish version

Get to know the CSOs

Réseau de femmes pour la Réconciliation Nationale, la Cohésion et l'Équité Sociale (Burkina-Faso)

What they do: They reinforce women leadership in peacebuilding and work for the psychosocial and economic recovery of violence survivors.

Their project:Creating a training center for women and offering worker placements to companies and inviduals

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Association des Jeunes Leaders pour la Paix et le Développement (Burkina-Faso)

What they do:Social and economic development of women and girls through gender equality sensitization, gender-based violence prevention trainings, and women leadership trainings

Their project:Trainings and interactive workshops about peace promotion, youth leadership and gender equality

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Association Liaison Universelle pour le Bien-Être des Enfants et des Jeunes (Burkina-Faso)

What they do:They help and support vulnerable people to access health, education and the defense of their rights.

Their project:Creating and selling communication tools about GBV prevention and women's rights

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Femin-In (Burkina Faso)

What they do:Feminist CSOs working to promote and preserve women's and girls' right

Their project:Trainings and consultancy about gender equality

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Women in Nexus (Niger)

What they doThey promote women and younth leadership in conflict prevention and resolution. They support the implementation of the women, peace and security agenda; they reinforce women and youth capacities in peace building. The CSO also promotes the economic inclusion and empowerment of women, and work for the elimination of GBV.

Their projectCapacity building for women's and youths' inclusion in governance and peace building processes.

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La Ligue Nigérienne des Droits des Femmes (Niger)

What they do:They work against inequalities, stereotypes, and all kinds of violences against women and girls. They fight for violence survivors' ability to express themselves, to be believed and for their acess to a holistic and confidential care. La Ligue works for women and girls to know and use their rights and access to opportunities without discrimination. They are also committed to make effective women's and girls' active participation to the public governance.

Their project: Creation of a youth center where they can paint, draw, read, danse and access digital services

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E-Education CItoyenne (Guinée)

What they do:They promote complete sex education and fight against GBV in schools through digital tools and field actions

Their project:Offering digital services (prints, photocopies, binding), trainings to computer literacy, GBV prevention, coffee, rooms rentings, coaching sessions and film screenings.

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ONG Mon Enfant Ma vie (Guinée)

What they do:Support and promote a comprehensive humanized care of pregnant women from pregnancy to childbirth, fight against GBV, and promote the respect and the protection of children's rights.

Their project:Establishing a training center for women

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Unis pour Sauver des Vies (Côte d'Ivoire)

What they do:They work towards the prevention of HIV, STIs, tuberculosis, malaria, and malnutrition, underscoring the importance of proactive healthcare measures. Additionally, the promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SSHR) is highlighted, emphasizing the empowerment of individuals in making informed choices. The inclusion of initiatives targeting vulnerable groups such as orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), persons with HIV, and malnourished individuals reflects a commitment to inclusivity and equity in public health efforts.

Their project:Producing and selling reusable sanitary pads

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La mère de la collégienne (Côte d'Ivoire)

What they do:Implementing strategies to ensure girls' continuous attendance and participation in schools is crucial for fostering gender equality and empowering young women. These actions include creating a supportive educational environment that addresses gender-specific challenges, providing financial assistance to mitigate economic barriers, and promoting awareness about the importance of girls' education.

Their project:Producing and selling liquid soap to hotels.

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